Dispositiu d'emmagatzematge lo-fi per a enllaços d'interès (hi estigui d'acord o no)
20/06/2012 How to add a jQuery datepicker to your contact form 7 | WordPress Ninja
20/06/2012 All the easiest ways to search old tweets
03/06/2012 10 recomendaciones para el uso de redes sociales, según la BBC | Clases de Periodismo
29/04/2012 The 30 CSS Selectors you Must Memorize | Nettuts+
28/04/2012 /* Position Is Everything */ — Modern browser bugs explained in detail!
24/04/2012 Using Moodle As A Social Media Tool - Centre for Teaching and Learning Services - Concordia University - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
24/04/2012 Student projects/Social Networking features - MoodleDocs
24/04/2012 Social Media for Universities Best Practices for Attracting Students, Employees, and Donors | Edudemic
24/04/2012 Sakai Project | collaboration and learning - for educators by educators
24/04/2012 Opinion – Can Moodle replace social networks in educational settings? | Moodle News
24/04/2012 How colleges use, misuse social media to reach students - CNN.com
24/04/2012 Blogs de la UAB
24/04/2012 Academia.edu - Share research
19/04/2012 javascript - How to embed fonts in HTML? - Stack Overflow
19/04/2012 HTML 5 Reference
19/04/2012 Getting Started - MDN
19/04/2012 Getting Started (CSS Tutorial) - MDN
28/02/2012 PHP Using imagecopymerge to create a translucent watermark - Manual
28/02/2012 Overlapping Images with GD
28/02/2012 Merge two PNG images with PHP GD library - Stack Overflow
28/02/2012 In the Woods – Fun with the PHP GD Library Part 1
28/02/2012 Image Manipulation with PHP and the GD Library
28/02/2012 gdlib - PHP GD library used to merge two images - Stack Overflow
27/02/2012 CSS3 PIE CSS3 decorations for IE
23/02/2012 OMG! Ubuntu! | Everything Ubuntu. Daily.
23/02/2012 Falles Populars i Combatives
27/01/2012 Judson - Open Font Library
25/01/2012 Le changement climatique vu par les végétaux
05/01/2012 Combining multiple RSS feeds using fetch_feed - WordPress - Stack Exchange
04/01/2012 Permanent root for 2.2 Blades! - Android @ MoDaCo
03/01/2012 WordPress feeds mashup widget « Steve Taylor
30/11/2011 php - get biggest images - Stack Overflow