Dispositiu d'emmagatzematge lo-fi per a enllaços d'interès (hi estigui d'acord o no)
20/03/2016 Cockos Incorporated | LICEcap
20/03/2016 Cascaded Dropdown with jQuery Ajax and PHP - InfoTuts
13/03/2016 GitHub - hlashbrooke/Instant-Featured-Image WordPress plugin that optionally sets an image as the featured image at the same time as you insert it into the post content
13/03/2016 GitHub - hlashbrooke/Code-Snippet-Library A code snippet library plugin for WordPress.
04/03/2016 Smolations/more-dash-docsets A collection of Dash docsets I have generated. I hope you find them useful!
02/03/2016 Virtual Machine (VM), Windows Virtual PC & BrowserStack Microsoft Edge Dev
28/02/2016 Regular Expressions
28/02/2016 regex - Learning Regular Expressions - Stack Overflow
28/02/2016 GitHub - correll/Introduction-to-Autonomous-Robots Introduction to Autonomous Robots
27/02/2016 Digital Marketing and Measurement Model Web Analytics
26/02/2016 GitHub - antelle/keeweb KeePass web app (unofficial)
21/02/2016 How to sync roles across Multisite? - WordPress Development Stack Exchange
20/02/2016 Trigger happy clone of ittt
20/02/2016 Portia
20/02/2016 Color Safe - accessible web color combinations
13/02/2016 MJML
10/02/2016 GrapesJS
06/02/2016 Ultra-fine particles emitted by commercial desktop 3D printers [pdf] | Hacker News
06/02/2016 Social media data collection tools - Social media data collection tools
06/02/2016 Pingendo - web authoring with comfort
06/02/2016 Bootstrap Studio
04/02/2016 Computer Science Field Guide
31/01/2016 Weekly Free Logo Designs For Your Business
31/01/2016 UX Timeline, back to the past!
31/01/2016 colearnr/colearnr CoLearnr is an open source collaborative learning platform
28/01/2016 Descubre cómo será la nueva función de llamadas que se integrará en WhatsApp | LIFESTYLE | SMARTLIFE
24/01/2016 The Feynman Lectures on Physics, The Most Popular Physics Book Ever Written, Now Completely Online | Open Culture
24/01/2016 FindA.Photo
24/01/2016 a self hostable application for saving web pages | wallabag
24/03/2015 FinderPath
16/03/2015 Raw
22/05/2014 Medicion-Audiencias-Mobile.pdf
22/05/2014 Branded Apps
18/01/2014 speaking.io
18/01/2014 Recommended Reading List - Intel-Recommended-Reading-List_1H14_0.pdf